Sunday 16 June 2013

The Work of Fibre Lash with an Amazing Mascara...

Fibre Lash in all its Glory... 

Okay so I rave about Fibre lash so much. So before I went on my Holly Bops (Holiday :) I decided that I wanted to have Amazing Long BIG stand out lashes at the air port. So I put two of my most favourite mascara helpers together to achieve greatness. 

So the Images you will see below DO NOT have falsies or lash insets within them. They DO however have different types of fibre lash which I will explain more in detail below. It takes time to get amazing lashes so this is usually something I would do for a night out when I have time to put my face on. :)

Images of my lashes before any mascara has been applied.

I managed to achieve this Look....

To get this look then carry on reading....

So before I apply any mascara I used my White fibre lash. For this look I used the Maybelline New York XXL Curl Power fibre lash.

This Provided a base coat if ya like to my lashes and added length before I even had chance to apply mascara. I love this kind of fibre lash as it just goes on the same as a normal mascara. 

This makes your lashes look like they have White Mascara on them. It literally just adds length and will be covered up by the mascara when you come to apply this later on. 

So after the fibre lash has dried I added a layer of my favourite mascara being the Benefit sampler that I got previous with Elle mag. (See previous posts for review) 

This added immediate length on top of the fibre lash. After applying a layer of this amazing mascara I added a layer of Boujour Elastic (also one of my personal faves) I always use this mascara just before I use my Lash extender. 

This provides a good base coat for the lash extender. 
So basically the Lash extender is made up of little fibre hairs (which I have explained about in previous posts.) Which cling to the mascara (being wet) and your lashes. You apply another coat of mascara over the top and it provides amazing thickness as well as length. 

So I apply this over my Boujour Elastic. I always do a couple of coats. 

 This is the look you can get from all of the above. I wanted to show you just the top lashes as it gives off the impact. Although the process sounds long winded it takes me approximately 10mins per eye when I want Huge lashes. 

This one shows both top and bottom lashes completed. Amazing. 

This shows the difference in lash size. My lashes shown on your right >>> do have fibre lash on but you can't really see it. So you can really tell the difference in lash length, thickness and definition. 

This Picture really shows the length difference. 

So obviously you will need to repeat the above process with the other eye to complete your look. 

Then you will be left with AMAZING lengthy defined lashes.

I LOVEEEEE having my lashes like this and really wish that I could spent this much time on them everyday. 

I would defiantly recommend maybe just using the Lash extender without the need of fibre lash if you wanted to spend less time on your lashes. This will provide similar if not the same results. 

So what do you think of this amazing look? Would you take the time to achieve the falsies look without the need of false lashes? 

I Love mascara so I don't mind taking the time to make my lashes perfect as its the first thing people will see what I meet them. I also have to wear glasses so I have to make them Xtra long to get them noticed when they are hidden behind frames and lenses. 

Do you have any hidden mascara secrets that could change the way I get amazing results? Then let me know. 

Any questions feel free to ask. ^_^ 

New Mascara Review ...

Mascara Review - L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes Excess....

Sorry its been awhile people. I have been busy with interviews and recently got back from the wonderful Rome in Italy. Lovely Place. 

Though i'd restart up my mascara reviews with this one. I bought this ages ago an I'm not particularly sure if its still available but I know the Volume Million Lashes mascara is still available. Priced at around £10.99 however L'Oreal seems to be on the 3 for 2 offer quite a lot. 

This Mascara has a rather large, well long brush compared to the Volume Million lashes. Its a plastic brush. 

It is a mixture of longer and shorter plastic bristles mixed together to allow your lashes to separate when you pull the brush over them. 

I did crop the above pic but it refused to show the cropped version on my blog ... :'/ 

I do like this mascara and have used it quite a few times in the past. With the brush being the size it is you can cover most of your lashes from just one stroke. The end of the brush is again smaller to allow you to reach those corner lashes without problem. 
This mascara provided length and separation to some degree. I did have to use my eyelash comb to get the odd ones that stuck together. 

As usual I will show you pictures of my eyelashes without any mascara or fibre lash on so you can see the length and texture of my natural lashes. 


As you can see from the above it provides amazing length. I have used my eyelash curlers to get the top lashes to curl a little more as they didn't seem to curl with just the brush. 

The positives of this mascara is defiantly that it works with your bottom lashes perfectly. I was able to give my bottom lashes perfect coverage in around 3 strokes of the brush itself. 
I did have to add a few more coats on my top lashes to give them that thicker image which was a bit of a let down. 

This picture shows the length in a bit more detail on the top lashes anyways. Although saying that when looking up your lashes always seem longer. 

This mascara is a good one for people who may be in a rush to put mascara on. Specially if you just want light eyelash cover. Although it doesn't take much more time to just stick an addition layer of mascara on if you were in a hurry and looking for thicker lashes. 

Works wonders on your bottom lashes too. Only down sides that I noticed is that it does take awhile to dry and when I was trying to separate the few lashes that decided to stuck together it push others around it together which was a slight pain. 

For the price this mascara is a good one. It doesn't overtake the benefit mascara that I have tried but I would still happily use this one if that one wasn't an option. 

So my overall score of this L'Oreal creation would be a 8 / 10. Its easy to use and the size / length of the brush is perfect. It really works your bottom lashes with ease and can add length and definition to the top lashes. 

Has anyone else used this and agree? Disagree with my comments? Let me know. 

If you want all the latest updates that sometimes don't make it to my blog then check on my linked Facebook page. 

You can also contact me directly on there with any queries or recommendations. 


Friday 24 May 2013

Review on Benefit They're Real

This mascara, today was a freebie that I got with Elle mag else I wouldn't usually review expensive Mascaras. 

This is obviously smaller that ya standard mascara as it was a freebie but worked just as well. Currently priced at £19.50 for the proper size which is VERY pricey for a mascara. So if your looking for a cheap one then this isn't the one for you. 

The brush on this mascara is plastics again. The end of the brush has little bristles on so you can get those hard to reach lashes. I liked the look of this brush as I'm a fan of plastic brushes. This one had little and slightly longer bristles. 

I'm blogging from my mobile for this one so can't provide a picture of what my lashes look like without mascara as I don't have that pic of my phone anymore . But you can check this from my previous blog posts. 


This provided AMAZING length from stroke one!! It separated the lashes and provided amazing definition. It curled the lashes without the use of eyelash curlers. Truly and amazing brush. 

This was the result of using the mascara without the use of eyelash curlers. As you can see they are quite curled. Worked well on both the bottom and the top lashes. This mascara is truly amazing. 

The photo below shows the results of the mascara and eye lash curlers. So slightly more curved up and noticeable. But personally if you didn't have eyelash curlers handy then I wouldn't worry about using them to much. 

This mascara does everything that I want a mascara to do. If it wasn't so expensive then I would have to give it an overall score of 10/10 as I had to run in and tell the mother how amazing it was straight after applying!! But as the is expensive it will have to settle for a 9/10 as the only flaw in this mascara is the price. 

Defiantly in my top five if not my top three of Mascaras. Love love love this. 

Anyone else used this and have been amazed?? Like me then let me know. 

If you haven't already go out and buy Elle mag to get this amazing freebie. It's £4.00 for the mag which gives you amazing fashion advice so totally worth it especially with this free gift!!! 

Thursday 23 May 2013

Review Time...Rimmel Sexy Curves ...

Review Time...Rimmel Sexy Curves ... 

Okay so the first review of a Rimmel mascara. I don't usually go for Rimmel as I have had bad experiences in the past with some of their products. 

I was recommend this mascara by one of my readers as they have the waterproof one and suggested that it was good. I can not find this on the Boots or Superdrug website to provide a price however I purchased off ebay for around £4.00. I still believe this mascara to be available in high street shops however I could be wrong. I'd imagine it would be around £6.00 or £7.00. 

So the brush is a plastic one on this one. It has like a knobbly effect.

Its quite a strange looking brush to be honest. Wasn't too sure how this one would work. However it provided amazing lashes instantly. 

Okay so the usual me without any mascara on so you can see what my lashes are actually like. 


This mascara was brilliant. One stroke and my lashes were instantly thick and lengthy. 

It didn't clump my lashes together. It didn't work too well on my bottom lashes which was a bit of a let down. But gave an amazing look to my top lashes. 

As you can see from the pictures the mascara gave amazing length. It didn't provide much curl / curves. I still had to use my eyelash curlers to obtain the above curl. 

I no i don't appear to be writing much about this one but I believe the pictures speak for themselves. Great lengthy mascara.

So overall this mascara provides instant volume and length from one stroke of the brush. You can manipulate your lashes to separate from using the brush as it allows you to do this. 
It doesn't clump your lashes together. It didn't stoke as well on the bottom lashes as it did on the top ones so that was a bit disappointing. This one is another one that takes a little time to dry so you have to be careful. 

My my overall score would have to be a solid 7/10. It works from stroke one which is great. However as explained above there are a few flaws. Not sure I would want the waterproof one with it being as wet for as long as it is. 

Anyone else used it and have a difference of opinion? 
Let me know. 

Thanks for reading. 

If you like what you have read and don't want to miss out on what reviews are coming up then like my Facebook page. 

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